Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Attempting to Organize my Life

I am Always running around. I have 4 son, 3 different schools and 1 very active 2 year old at home with me. My sons activities include Young Marines, track, gymnastics, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Special Olympics and other activities I am sure I forgot to mention. We have the annual checkups, semiannual dentist visits and the unexpected "my son is hurt" urgent care visits.

Between all of these I forget appointments, meals and other things. OK so I forgot a lot or just remember a little too late. I have a cell phone, but that doesn't help too much if I forget it or can't hear it. I also have the iPod touch. This is pretty handy if I can hear it when my reminders on my calender application go off. I still forget things. So for months now I have been searching for the perfect solution to keep appointments, store menus, keep important records and even remember birthdays as needed. I have searched, printed, removed, searched and printed again. I am pretty sure I have found the best home organization binder for me. And best of all it is free. You can find the Greatest Home Organization Binder here .

The site also includes a video on how she organized her binder and why. I found that video very helpful. At the bottom of her post under the video you can find a link to download the complete binder for free. Pretty cool, right.

So if you are reading this, what do you use to keep organized? What works for you and where can I find it?


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